Who will Bush fight next?

1. OBL? Nope, after we couldn't find him we decided that (after we captured him) that Muhammed Al Sheik (or whatever his name is) was the "mastermind behind 9/11". On the heels on failing miserably & not finding OBL the media & GW seem to have forgotten about OBL (at least publically).

2. The second wave of terrorists? This being those responsible behind the anthrax attacks. Although, initally rumored to be from Al Queda or possibly Iraq it was discovered found that the athrax was of US military grade. Yes, depite our unprovocated attack against Iraq for having "mass weapons of destruction" we have only been chemically attacked by our own governments antrhax. Funny how GW and the media seem to have forgotten about this. You'd think a national scare resulting in the evacuation of the House would be worth looking into??

3. Iran? If we do not capture or confirm the demise of Saddam in the upcoming weeks with the nation of Iran be the next "Mass Weapon of Distraction"?

4. US Budget. Or will GW realize that jobs are falling, his stimulus sucks, he's lost the nations 200 billion dollar surplus & now has a 300 billion dollar deficit (yep, in 2 years this dummy lost 500 BILLION dollars).
Nah, war is a better "Mass Weapon of Distraction".

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Thanks, Lander, you've proved a point I made about a week ago - once the war started, out would trot all of these other hot issues, to be poured over with the same sense of hopelessness, despair and lack of confidence in the ability of our government to handle. Nothing but endless negativity.

Here's something positive: within the next 45 hours over 3,000 military and Saddam-related targets will be obliterated - that should cheer you up.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Roy Jones Jr.


"The more you know, the more you know you don't know sh!t!"
Killing civilians (including children) is not positive.
The economy is not positive.
The deficit is not positive.
The lack of capture on OBL is not positive.
The dividing of the UN is not positive.
The breeching of civil liberties is not positive.
Being viewed internationally as an agressive nation is not positive.

Sorry to rain on your little "go George" parade, but Bush has done nothing but force his constantly failing budget on us & lead us into war after war.

"you've proved a point I made about a week ago"
You must be a genious to predict that those is opposition to Bush might actually criticize him

It's as amazing as me predicting that sometime in the future Out will criticize "Clinto(o)n"

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Nope. I have to run but Fox News has more stuff on the war - I'm hoping it gets concluded quickly.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
lander may be right.

we should all kill ourselves right now.

No future
yeah, good point Buddy.
ok, you go first, the rest of us will stay behind and demand a gov't that presents facts to people, recognized the importance of foriegn policy, strives for world peace & BALANCES IT'S OWN DAMN budget so are grandchildren aren't left footing Dubya's bill.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The events of the last few months have really been an eye opener.

It is really scary just how many people are so brainwashed into the " whatever my govt does is justified because it is my govt and my govt cant be bad" way of thinking.

Never again will I wonder why the German people followed Hitler when his plans of world domination at any cost became apparent. They simply rationalized in their minds that there had to be some justification for what their leaders were doing. This sort of blind faith is very dangerous, and we see it here in the U.S. today on perhaps the largest scale the world has ever witnessed.

George Bush could come out tommorow and say he wants to blow up the vatican because the Pope has gotten too big for his britches, and I ABSOLUTLY GUARANTEE you the same people who support this war would be in here calling everyone against the vatican war stupid, uneducated, misguided, uninformed, etc.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Look on the bright side.
Apparently the entire world is jealous of you.

We all want to live in your country.

And be like you.
Think like you.
Live like you.

Like phuck.

Im sure a few places are nice tho.
Like everywhere else in the world.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I think bush will ocntinue to fight against our civil liberties. Lets see how many more profiling, prohibition,and civil forfeture laws he can pass, without any regard fot the constitution.

The land of the free, also has the most people in jail per capita. Talk about self-mockery.

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